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First responders play an essential role in caring for individuals in an accident or emergency while also ensuring everyone’s safety. Professions such as paramedics, firefights, and police officers go a long way to protect their community, but now it’s time for them to take a moment to protect and care for themselves.

First responders are among the toughest among us, racing towards an emergency to keep the rest of us safe, but even those who are remarkably tough still need assistance from time to time, which is where supplements come in.

Supplements offer an easy way to correct any imbalances in the body, allowing first responders to improve their quality of life and perform better on their job. When a misstep at their job can be a life-or-death scenario, it’s clear that supplements and all their benefits can only help.

Better Sleep Habits

First responders often follow odd sleep schedules due to their shift work. For example, firefighters work for 24 straight hours, leaving them with many sleepless nights. The problems do not end there, though, with many first responders coming off a shift then struggling to maintain good sleep habits, perpetuating the cycle. A survey of 7,000 firefighters reported that 37% had a sleep disorder.

In addition to increased sleepiness, sleep deprivation can have some significant health problems, including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, depression, and stroke.

As expected, sleep deprivation is also associated with greater errors and risks of accidents, which can be immensely dangerous for first responders.

Supplements intended to encourage sleep habits can help promote sleepiness in first responders and allow them to regain control of their circadian rhythm, which can get thrown out of whack with shift work. Additionally, supplements can help promote good-quality sleep, another essential component for being ready to tackle the day and any challenges that it might bring.

Improved Focus

First responders need to have the utmost focus and attention while on the clock. Not only is this essential for them to perform their job as expected, but it also plays a vital role in ensuring their safety. For example, a police officer who is not thinking clearly could end up injured.

Supplements provide the body with vitamins, minerals, and other compounds essential for promoting cognitive function, helping a first responder function optimally while on the job.

Additionally, lack of sleep is a common culprit for slower reaction times when working, so supplements that promote good sleep habits can then help a first responder be more alert while working, further improving performance.

Decreased Stress

The work completed by a first responder is some of the most stressful in the world, with many first responders facing death every single day that they are working.

While a certain amount of stress is essential for first responders to make wise decisions “in the moment,” it’s not safe for this stress to linger for all hours. Some health conditions linked to high stress include heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and high blood sugar, while high stress also increases someone’s susceptibility to illness. Heart disease, in particular, is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States, showing the importance of doing all we can to lower stress levels.

Certain supplements, such as phosphatidylserine that help to reduce stress levels and prevent the stress hormone cortisol from completely taking control.

Improves Mental Health

It’s estimated that 30% of first responders develop mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Compared to the 20% of the regular population to develop these disorders, it’s clear that having a profession as a first responder increases the risk.

The extensive toll of work as a first responder can dramatically impact mental health, with first responders possessing a greater risk of suicide when compared to the general public because of the work culture and high-stress levels. It’s estimated by NAMI that one in four police officers have thoughts of suicide at least once in their lives.

Many of our supplements contain compounds that can help improve mental health and fight the symptoms of depression or PTSD.

Supplements for First Responders

First responders have an important job in protecting the community, and it’s only natural for them to need help in keeping their clarity, health, and quality of life up. They have demanding jobs, but supplements can help.

With the ability to decrease stress levels, improve sleeping habits, and decrease mental health disorders, supplements play an integral part in ensuring that first responders are in the best possible position for their job, ensuring they can work more effectively while also keeping themselves safe. stands with first responders, and we offer discounts to all men and women who serve.


Sullivan, J., O’Brien, C., Barger, L., Rajaratnam, S., Czeisler, C., & Lockley, S. (2016). Randomized, Prospective Study of the Impact of a Sleep Health Program on Firefighter Injury and Disability. Sleep, 40(1). doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsw001

Paruthi, S., (2022). First Responders and Increased Risk for Sleep Deprivation.

First Responders: Behavioral Health Concerns, Emergency Response, and Trauma. (2018).

Tiesman, H., (2021). Suicides Among First Responders: A Call to Action.

Law Enforcement | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness . (2022). Retrieved 3 May 2022, from

Syed, E., Wasay, M., & Awan, S. (2013). Vitamin B12 Supplementation in Treating Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Open Neurology Journal, 7(1), 44-48. doi: 10.2174/1874205×01307010044

Sajjadi, S., Foshati, S., Haddadian-Khouzani, S., & Rouhani, M. (2022). The role of selenium in depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human observational and interventional studies. Scientific Reports, 12(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-05078-1


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